Can Dental Implants Become Stained Like Natural Teeth?

October 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentfamily @ 8:15 pm
a closeup of a patient inspecting their dental implants

A bright, radiant smile is an essential part of our personality, as it’s often seen as a reflection of good health and outstanding confidence. And thanks to innovative restorations like dental implants, patients with missing teeth are now able to restore their compromised smiles in terms of beauty and functionality! One remarkable feature of dental implant restorations is their awesome resistance to staining and discoloration; while they have more immunity than your natural pearly whites, you’ll still want to adopt sensible habits and take great care of them. Here’s more about why dental implants are unlikely to become stained, and some practices for ensuring they look their best for many years to come.

Are Dental Implants Capable of Becoming Discolored?

You should be happy to hear that the tooth-replacement portions of implants are made of materials like porcelain or zirconia that are notably resistant to staining (the implant posts are made from titanium, which is also quite resilient). These materials create a smooth tooth surface and are also non-porous and don’t absorb liquids or substances that cause stains, unlike your natural teeth which have microscopic pits and ridges that can trap stain-causing particles.

However, while notably resistant to staining, it can still occur under certain circumstances. If the implants are polished with an abrasive material, it’s possible their surfaces can roughen and become more prone to discoloration. If you partake in bad oral habits like smoking or using tobacco, natural teeth and implants alike can both become stained. Dental implants are also vulnerable to physical damage if you aren’t careful, and these unsightly issues can also stand out.

What Can I Do to Ensure My Smile Doesn’t Become Stained?

Since dental implants are designed to look and feel like teeth, they also need to be treated with the same level of care. You should brush your teeth twice a day while also flossing and using a gentle antibacterial mouthwash. Additionally, you should strive to keep up with your routine dental visits; seeing your provider twice a year will ensure that your smile’s integrity and beauty are both well-maintained. Finally, to minimize any chances of discoloration, there are certain things you should keep in mind, such as:

  • Do not smoke or use chewing tobacco; these habits are bad enough on their own, and tobacco products contain tar and nicotine, both of which can discolor teeth and dental restorations.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that contain tannins, which are particles that can leave dark stains on teeth. This includes items like coffee, berries, red wines and sauces, etc.
  • Avoid using highly abrasive toothpaste; this is one of the most common causes of dental implant damage, and your restorations will become more likely to sustain staining.

Dental implants are undoubtedly the gold standard of tooth replacement, capable of restoring confidence and oral functionality alike. As long as they’re well-maintained, it’s quite easy to avoid discoloration from occurring and dampening your grin!

About the Practice

The team at Complete Dental Care has proudly served patients and families in the Kent, WA community for several years under the leadership of Dr. Manpreet Dhaliwal and his talented team. Their practice is excited to offer a wide range of dental services suited for a variety of needs, including restorative options such as dental implants. If you have any questions about dental implants or the services offered by the practice, or you’d like to arrange a visit, feel free to contact their team online or by phone for additional information. Telephone: (253) 854-2714.

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