Dental Implants – Kent, WA

The Gold Standard of Tooth Replacement

Man smiling after tooth replacement with dental implants

For most dental patients missing one or more teeth, dental implants are considered the ideal solution due to their numerous, revitalizing benefits, including stability, high cosmetic quality, and valuable oral health benefits. No additional teeth need to be altered to make room for the new dental restorations (as is the case with dental crown supported fixed bridges), and the nature of the dental implant is so seamless and lifelike that many dentistry patients forget after a while that they ever lost their natural tooth to begin with. It’s for these reasons and many more that dentists and dental patients alike consider dental implants the gold standard of tooth replacement. If you’re interested in discovering if this unique tooth replacement service is right for you, we invite you to keep reading to learn more or call us to schedule a consultation to discuss tooth replacement with dental implants in Kent, WA.


Why Choose Complete Dental Care for Dental Implants?

  • Team of Highly Trained & Experienced Dentists
  • Replace Any Number of Missing Teeth for Life
  • Free CT Scan for All Dental Implant Procedures


What is a Dental Implant?

Model smile with dental implant supported fixed bridge

Dental implants are small, screw-shaped titanium screws. They are designed to be placed underneath the gumline directly into the jawbone. Since titanium is biocompatible, the implant will integrate into the bone tissue to essentially replace the roots of the missing tooth. One or more dental implants can be used to support a custom-made crown, bridge, or denture above the gumline, depending on how many teeth you’re missing. The end result is a smile that looks, feels, and functions just like natural.


The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Dentist and patient discussing the dental implant process

Getting dental implants in Kent is a far more complex process compared to traditional dentures and bridges. Naturally, this extends the timeline by several months. But when you take into account that implants can last for numerous decades, the extra time investment seems worthwhile. Although each treatment may vary slightly depending on the patient, here are the four fundamental stages you can expect while undergoing the journey to restore your smile!

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

dentist showing an X-ray to the patient

First, you'll come in for a dental implant consultation. During this visit, our team will use advanced dental tools to carefully check your mouth and face. We’ll decide if dental implants are a good fit for you. In some cases, you might need preliminary procedures like bone grafting, gum disease treatment, or tooth extraction before we can proceed with the implant process. Once these steps are done, we'll set up a date for your dental implant surgery.

Dental Implant Surgery

patient getting dental implants in Kent

Now it's time for your dental implant surgery! An implant dentist will numb your mouth with a local anesthetic to ensure you're comfortable. Then, a small cut will be made in your gum to reach your jawbone. Carefully, the implants will be inserted in specific spots and angles. Finally, your gums will be sutured shut, and protective caps will be placed on the implant posts to keep them safe while you heal.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment Placement

woman talking to dentist

The next step is a waiting period of three to six months for osseointegration to happen. This is when the implant posts fuse with your jawbone, making your dental implants incredibly sturdy.

After osseointegration is finished, you'll come back for a smaller second surgery to get your abutments. These are metal connectors that go on top of your implants. They serve as anchors for your custom-made dental crown, bridge, or denture.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

woman smiling after getting dental implants

We'll craft your replacement teeth, known as restorations, using detailed impressions of your original smile. These impressions will be carefully sent to a reliable dental lab. Skilled technicians at the lab will use materials that closely mimic natural tooth enamel, even in how they catch and reflect light. Once your new teeth are fixed onto the abutments, they should blend seamlessly with your original pearly whites!

Benefits of Dental Implants

If you don’t already know, dental implants are highly popular as tooth replacements. They’re so well-regarded, in fact, that dentists place over 500,00 of them yearly! Still, this valuation isn’t surprising – implants have many perks not found in dentures or dental bridges. The treatment can thus dramatically improve a recipient’s quality of life. If you’d like to learn more about implant benefits, our office will happily explain. Just keep reading or call us for the relevant details.

Day-to-Day Benefits

Naturally enough, you’re most likely to notice implants’ day-to-day benefits. These include the following:

  • An Outstanding Smile – Because implants are made from dental-grade porcelain, they look beautiful and seamlessly blend with your other teeth. As such, you can trust them to look highly lifelike and natural. Most people can’t even tell them apart from your regular teeth.
  • High Confidence – With your grin fully restored, feeling more confident in your looks is natural. Consequently, implants tend to boost one’s self-esteem and body image.
  • Better Chewing – Unlike dentures or bridges, implants actually fuse with your jawbone. Their doing so means they restore much of your bite force. From there, you can enjoy your favorite foods once again.
  • Easy Maintenance – It doesn’t take much to keep implants functional. Generally, you just need to clean them as you would natural teeth. So, remember to brush them twice daily and floss them once daily. Furthermore, make sure to rinse them with mouthwash as needed.

Health Benefits

The perks of implants don’t stop at everyday conveniences. As it happens, implant treatment also confers health benefits. With time, then, you’re likely to experience:

  • Improved Nutrition – In restoring your bite force (see above), implants expand your potential dietary choices. That means they’ll help you ingest more and better nutrients for your body.
  • A Stronger Jawbone – Left untreated, losing teeth will make your jaw degrade. That decline could then result in facial collapse – a condition that greatly ages your face. However, implants can prevent and even reverse the jaw’s loss of bone tissue.
  • Natural Tooth Support – Besides weakening your jaw, tooth loss can tilt your other teeth. After all, newly-made smile gaps pull surrounding chompers towards themselves. With that said, implants fill the spaces and therefore stop the tilting.

Long-term Benefits

Hand putting coin in piggy bank

Lastly, implants have long-term benefits that make treatment a worthy purchase. In particular, review those listed below:

  • Low Chance of Failure – After placement, implants are usually successful for a long period. Their ten-year success rate, notably, is higher than 95%.
  • Little-to-No Replacement – The average implant lasts 15-20 years, while a well-maintained one can have a lifespan of over 30 years. Either way, it follows that this treatment doesn’t involve very many follow-up visits – some patients even use the same implants for a lifetime.
  • Cost-Effectiveness – Compared to other restorations, implants save you money in the long run. Their longevity, you see, results in few (if any) replacement or repair fees. Meanwhile, dentures and bridges only last 5-7 years and therefore involve regular (and costly) repairs.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Man smiling and enjoying a meal with a friend

Depending on your unique needs and preferences, our team can design a dental implant treatment plan to replace any number of teeth. The first step to getting dental implants is to have a consultation at our office in Kent so Dr. Dhaliwal can evaluate your oral health to ensure that you are a good candidate and design a customized treatment plan.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Animated smiling during dental implant supported denture placement

Almost any healthy adult with missing teeth can become a suitable candidate for dental implants. You’ll need to meet three main criteria, those being:

  • Good overall health: Dental implant placement is a surgical procedure, so you’ll need to be in health good enough to receive minor surgery.
  • Excellent oral health: You’ll need to have any tooth decay or gum disease resolved before receiving dental implants, as these infections can make your new teeth more likely to fail.
  • Enough jawbone mass: A dental implant must be placed in a strong jawbone to be successful.

Even if you are not ready for implants yet, you may be able to receive them after having restorative treatments like gum disease therapy or reinforcing your jawbone with bone grafts. We’ll be happy to help you schedule these preliminary procedures if necessary.

Missing One Tooth

Animated smile during dental implant supported dental crown placement

A single implant designed to replace one missing tooth can complete your smile in a way that’s both conservative and completely satisfying in look and feel. Dental implants are an exceptional replacement option because they help rejuvenate the health of your jawbone, which can deteriorate over time from tooth loss, and they don’t require the alteration of healthy teeth like dental bridges do.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Animated smile during dental implant supported fixed bridge placement

An implant bridge makes it possible to replace several consecutive missing teeth. The restoration comprised of three or more dental crowns will be anchored with two dental implants placed on either side of the gap. If you have many missing teeth throughout your mouth, you can receive as many individual implants or an implant-secured partial denture to replace them.

Missing All Teeth

Animated smiling during dental implant supported denture placement

If you are missing all your teeth, there’s no need to worry that traditional dentures will be your only solution. With implant dentures, you can enjoy the stability, functionality, and longevity that dental implants offer while replacing every tooth in your mouth. We will place between four and six implants along your arch before securing your customized denture to them, and you won’t have to worry about elaborate denture cleaning rituals or your appliance slipping out of place during speech or meals.

If you have especially thin jawbones due to going a long time with missing teeth or another reason, you may be an excellent candidate for All-On-4 dental implants. This method uses four strategically placed dental implants to securely anchor a full denture that looks natural and feels comfortable.

All-On-4 Dental Implants

Dentist pointing to model comparing model to dental implant supported replacement tooth

Severe tooth loss can be a struggle, especially if you wear a denture and are generally unsatisfied with the fit and feel of it. Thankfully, we can now combine the structure of a denture with the sturdiness and durability of implants through the All-On-4 system. By utilizing four implants that are strategically placed at an angle along the arch of your gums, we can create a foundation for a full, personalized restoration that is fixed, resulting in natural and comfortable feel.


Learn More About All-On-4 Dental Implants


Mini Dental Implants

Closeup of smile with mini dental implants

Of course, sometimes our team discovers that a specific patient may not be a viable candidate for traditional implants, or that the spaces in their mouth are too narrow to adequately support them. When faced with these cases, we instead turn to mini implants. As the name implies, mini implants are about half the size of a regular implant, but they still provide the same valuable health and cosmetic benefits that patients can enjoy with traditional implants. In addition, they’re more versatile, less expensive, and they often eliminate the need for a recovery period, making them a faster tooth replacement overall.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Dental implant on stack of $100 bills

Dental implants are associated with a large price tag, but they are more affordable than you might believe. Many factors affect the cost of dental implants in Kent because no two situations are identical. We strive to keep a complete smile affordable for everyone. You can benefit from the next best thing to your real teeth without it costing you an arm or a leg.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist discussing dental implant with patient

Your consultation is your first step to replacing your lost teeth. Your implant dentist in Kent will examine your mouth and review a CT scan of your oral tissues and structures. They’ll learn more about your medical history, including any medications you’re taking. Based on their findings, they may recommend preliminary treatments, like periodontal therapy, tooth extractions, or bone grafting, which may be covered under your dental insurance.

After healing from any preliminary procedures, you’ll have your implant placement surgery. Your dentist will use sedation or anesthesia to keep you comfortable, which will be included in your estimate.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

Implant post, abutment, and crown

The amount you’ll pay will also be determined by the number of teeth you’re treating. You must pay for each part needed to replace your teeth, which will include:

  • Implant Post: Titanium posts are surgically placed into the jawbone to replicate roots.
  • Abutment: Each implant post will require an abutment to attach your restoration.
  • Restoration: You’ll need either a crown, bridge, or denture.

Since your treatment is performed in multiple steps, you won’t have to come up with a lump sum. You can pay for each phase individually, giving you more time to pay.

How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

Hand putting coin in piggy bank

Dental implants might cost more upfront than traditional methods, but they are the most cost-effective overall. They can last for decades, not a few years, so you won’t have to budget for replacements. Dental implants are also the only solution to preserve your jawbone to avoid common issues caused by tooth loss. You won’t need costly procedures later to save even more money down the road.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Dental insurance on screen

Your dental insurance won’t cover the entire cost, but it can be used to lower the amount you’ll pay for certain steps in your plan, like your consultation, prep work, or restoration. You can use your annual allowance after meeting your deductible. A member of our team will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to maximize your coverage. We’ll explain how your benefits are being used and your options for any remaining balance.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

Man extending debit card for payment

Our office accepts many payment options to keep your new smile within your budget, including:

  • Traditional Payments: We accept all traditional payment methods, including cash, personal checks, and credit cards.
  • Special Offers: We routinely run promotions for select services.
  • Monthly Payments: Pay using monthly installments through a third-party financing company, like CareCredit.

If you have any questions about your payment options, contact our office today to speak with a member of our team.

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

a man in Kent experiencing a failed dental implant

Dental implants are the gold standard of tooth-replacement solutions, and they’re built to last a lifetime. Even so, they can fail if they aren’t taken care of. If you start to notice any swelling, sensitivity, discomfort, or looseness in your new tooth, make sure to notify our team right away. We’ll want to assess your situation and determine the root cause of the issue. If we find that your dental implant is failing, we can try to save it with a salvage treatment. Keep reading or reach out to us to schedule your appointment with us.

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Dental Implant Technology

a dentist holding a digital tooth for dental implant technology

Our team is completely committed to providing the highest-quality dental care for our patients, and this is only possible to achieve due to our expertise and the state-of-the-art equipment we utilize during your treatment. One of the main reasons dental implants consistently have a success rate of 95% or more is because of the technology we use for accurate and personalized care. By using the latest dental devices, you can be sure to enjoy reliable and long-lasting results so that you can make the most of your newly rebuilt smile. Read on to learn more about the dental implant technology our team utilizes for treatment success!

3D CT Scanning

an example of a 3 D C T scanner

While a digital X-ray might help show the majority of your teeth, roots, and jawbone, it won’t typically provide the most detailed and precise image of your oral health. To give us a clearer view of your mouth, we’ll instead use a 3D CT scanner which can offer a 360-degree image of a patient’s head. This device takes hundreds of images during the process and combines them all so that it develops a 3D model of your smile as well as other detailed parts that a normal X-ray can’t show, such as the sinuses, dentition, and nerves. The detail of this technology allows our team to plan more accurately during the dental implant treatment, increasing the success rate and significantly lowering any chances of error or complications during your procedure.

Digital Impression System

a dentist working on digital impressions

After you’ve undergone the dental implant placement surgery and your post has properly integrated with your jawbone, our team will then place your personalized restoration onto it. This can involve a dental crown, bridge, or denture to complete your smile—whichever is necessary to replace the specific number of missing teeth. However, to make certain that your new tooth/teeth match the rest of your pearly whites, we’ll utilize a digital impression system. This device is much quicker, easier to use, and more accurate when creating a model of your teeth, so you won’t have to worry about using messy and uncomfortable putty. Afterward, you can be sure to enjoy more natural-looking results.

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implant

man smiling while standing outside

Caring for your dental implants is essential for maintaining the longevity of your new smile. These permanent prosthetics are designed to be sturdy, long-lasting, and fully functional. However, they require proper maintenance. This includes opting for nutritious foods, using appropriate mouth protection, maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine, and attending regular appointments with our team. By following these valuable recommendations, you'll help your dental implants remain secure and enjoy an improved quality of life for years to come!

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

older couple brushing teeth in bathroom

To maintain your dental implants, stick to a proper oral hygiene routine. This involves brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use a non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid accidentally scratching your customized restoration. Additionally, remember to floss between your teeth to eliminate harmful bacteria and food debris, and rinse with an ADA-approved mouthwash. Although your dental implants themselves are not vulnerable to decay, it's important to prevent gum disease by diligently following your oral hygiene regimen.

Eat a Healthy Diet

older couple shopping for healthy foods

Want to lower the likelihood of cavities in your natural teeth and prevent gum disease? Make sure you’re conscious of your diet! Opting for nutritious choices such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and leafy greens can not only assist in managing your weight but also contribute to better gum health and stronger tooth enamel. By moderating your intake of sugary and starchy foods, you'll steer clear of cavities, tooth decay, and potential health concerns that can affect your smile negatively.

Break Bad Habits

man biting fingernails

Harmful habits like smoking, chewing on non-food items, munching on ice, and biting fingernails can have negative effects on your dental implants. It's important to take the right steps to break these unhealthy habits, such as joining a group to quit smoking or using sugarless gum as a substitute for ice, pens, or pencils. Implementing these minor adjustments can lead to significant improvements in safeguarding your smile.

Protect Your Dental Implants

man holding mouthguard

If you engage in sports or experience nighttime teeth grinding, it's crucial to have appropriate mouth protection. A custom-made mouthguard acts as a barrier, shielding your teeth from potential forceful impacts that could lead to a visit to the emergency dentist. Preventing damage to your natural or artificial teeth is key to avoiding additional expenses and time investments. With a mouthguard, you can significantly reduce the risk of serious injuries and preserve a healthier, damage-free smile.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

patient visiting dentist for checkup

We’ll not only protect against tooth decay, gum disease, cavities, and oral cancer, but also ensure the integrity of your restorations and prosthetics. Be sure to stay on top of your routine six-month checkups and cleanings to prevent complications from developing. Even if you're diligent with your at-home oral care, plaque buildup requires the use of professional tools for removal.

Dental Implant FAQs

an example of dental implants in Kent

If you’re interested in a more comprehensive restoration solution, then dental implants may be the ideal treatment you’re looking for. These titanium posts are considered the gold standard of tooth-replacement options, and you can be sure to enjoy numerous advantages from this procedure. That said, it’s normal to want to know as much as you can about the treatment before committing to anything. For this reason, our team at Complete Dental Care has taken the time to collect and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about dental implants in Kent. Read on or give us a call today to learn more!

Does Getting Dental Implants Hurt?

Firstly, your jawbone doesn’t have very many nerve endings, so you’re less likely to feel much discomfort during your procedure. More importantly, our team will ensure your mouth is completely numbed with a local anesthetic before beginning any work on your smile. This means you should feel completely comfortable and pain-free throughout your appointment. Though the surgery itself shouldn’t hurt, you might experience some soreness in your mouth for several days afterward. This can easily be managed by taking over-the-counter or prescribed pain relievers as directed. You can also use a cold compress to help alleviate discomfort and reduce swelling. If any pain persists or worsens, give us a call right away.

Will I Have to Take Off Work for Dental Implant Surgery?

Many of our patients only require taking one or two days off work to undergo dental implant surgery. But if your job is physically demanding, then we’ll highly suggest you take three to four days off instead. Since strenuous activity can end up diverting blood from the surgical site, you’ll want to have an extra number of days to rest and recover. That said, every dental situation is different, so we’ll provide you with a more specific recommendation once we’ve assessed your unique case.

Can I Get Dental Implants If I’m Diabetic?

As long as you have your diabetes in check, your chances of having a successful dental implant treatment will be comparable to that of nondiabetic patients. If left untreated or out of control, chronic high blood sugar can end up slowing down your healing process, making it more challenging for your titanium posts to integrate effectively with the jawbone. If you require dental implants for rebuilding missing teeth, make sure to consult your primary care physician about addressing your blood sugar levels to increase your odds of success.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

The longevity of dental implants depends mostly on a patient’s lifestyle choices and overall health. However, on average, you can expect your metal posts to last anywhere between several decades to a lifetime! That said, they’ll only work as long as you practice good oral hygiene. This should involve brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash every single day. You’ll also want to schedule routine dental checkups and cleanings every six months to preserve them. With preventive care, you can avoid more serious issues like decay and gum disease while making the most of your new pearly whites.