How to Prepare For Oral Surgery in Kent

September 10, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentfamily @ 5:16 pm

Learn more about preparing for oral surgery in Kent.Receiving the news that you need your tooth extracted is never pleasant, however it’s also not as bad as you may think. At Kent Dental Clinic, it’s always our goal to help you preserve your natural teeth. That being said however, there are certain circumstances, which will require your teeth to be removed, and your trusted team offers suggestions on how to prepare for oral surgery in Kent.

When Do I Need My Tooth Extracted?

There are a few common circumstances that would require a tooth extraction, and those are:

  • Wisdom teeth
  • An injured or abscessed tooth
  • Preparation for full dentures

Wisdom teeth, otherwise known as third molars, are your last set of teeth to arrive. They are set far back in your mouth behind your first two molars. They are typically removed because they’re hard to keep clean, they often cause crowding of your other teeth, or they may be impacted (stuck beneath your gum line).

An injured or abscessed tooth that is damaged beyond the scope of what root canal therapy can repair will need to be removed in order to alleviate infection. Dental infection causes severe pain and discomfort and can travel to other critical areas of the body.

Patients who are missing most or all of their teeth often look toward full dentures to restore their smile. If there are teeth remaining, they’ll need to be removed before dentures can be placed.

Will My Extraction Hurt?

With all the advances of modern dentistry and the use of dental anesthetics, you can rest assured that you won’t feel anything but some slight pressure during your surgery. It’s typical to experience tenderness during your recovery, but you can take pain medication as needed. Most patients are pleasantly surprised at how smooth and easy a dental extraction actually can be. For patients who may need extra help getting through their surgery, we also offer options for dental sedation that can help you relax and take the edge off.

To prepare for surgery, you’ll want to arrange transportation to and from your appointment, and plan on having downtime for at least 24 hours after surgery. You’ll want to eat soft foods for the first couple of days after surgery, and expect some bleeding – it’s normal. If you experience excessive bleeding that won’t stop, contact our office right away.

Our team has been providing quality care and guiding patients through extraction procedures for over 25 years. We’re happy to explain the procedure and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to learn more.

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